Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Learn it Right

I really enjoyed reading Emerson's writing on the American Scholar--there is nothing much better then reading things that you agree with and, better yet, intelligibly illustrate why you agree.

Things I agree with / Need to think more about:
1. Be the "Man on the farm" not the farmer
Don't fall into the habit of defining yourself by your day-to-day activities. Eg, I am Debbi Jones who acts, not an actor.
2. "...all things exist for the student's behoof" because "every man [is] a student"
Hear, hear!
3. "The sacredness which attaches to the act of creation,--the act of thought,--is instantly transferred to the record."
Yes, preservation is important, but to create for the sake of preservation is sick. Eg, many hollywood actors/musicians.
4. "Whatever talents may be, if the man create not, the pure efflux of the Deity is not his..."
USE the gifts God gives and makes SOMETHING.
5. "When he can read God directly, the hour is too precious to be wasted in other men's transcripts of their readings."
Listening to God is more important than reading the works of the wisest men--unless you're hearing God through their words. But it's better to just simply focus on listening to God firsthand.
6. "...as the human body can be nourished on any food...the human mind can be fed by any knowledge."
All knowledge is enlightening knowledge to help you grow.
7. "Life is our dictionary."
Learn by living.
8. "The artist...has always the resource to live."
Be inspired by living.
9. "Fear always springs from ignorance."
Eg, homophobes.
10. "The world is his who can see through it's pretension."
Look past appearances, and you will know it's nature.

Summed up: Live to learn, create to create, and seek to understand.

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